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How to get to Favignana

By arranging everything online

You can use the following system to book everything to get to Favignana, from Palermo or Trapani airports or cities.

By Hydrofoil

This is the best way to get to Favignana. Siremar and Ustica Lines run several hydrofoils crossing daily to Favignana, Levanzo and to Marettimo. Departures are from Trapani and Marsala. Ticket can be purchased online in a few easy steps.

By Car

Take the highway A29 (from Palermo) and follow direction Trapani until Palermo (A29-dir), then follow signs that lead to city exit until the port. Once there, you can take the ferry to reach the island.

By train

You can reach the port from the Trapani train station by foot or by taxi. It is just 2 kilometers away.

By plane

The nearest airports are Birgi in Trapani or Falcone Borsellino in Palermo. Here there are taxis and buses; you can take them to reach Trapani and its port. We suggest, whenever possible, to land in Trapani as this is the nearest airport, just 30 minutes away from the town port. The journey from Palermo to Trapani port takes around 2 hours.

By Ferryboat

There are several car ferries (Siremar, Tirrenia, Grandi Navi Veloci and Snav) which are cheap and comfortable. There are several links to Sicily, you may check them out on our ferry online booking page. The journey to Palermo by boat takes 6 hours 30 minutes from Naples. Once in Palermo, you may then take a bus to reach Trapani and then take an hydrofoil to reach Favignana.

By Bus

“Segesta autolinee” buses run every hour from Palermo. The journey to Trapani takes 2 hours and they stop directly at the port. Once in Trapani, you may take a hydrofoil or ferry to reach Favignana.